You’re familiar with the cost of not hiring when there’s a need. Overworked employees, dips in morale, and even sunk project costs or frustrated clients. But the cost of a bad hire can be even more. It’s important to hire the right talent for the job, particularly in the tech industry. But doing so can sometimes be tricky. Here’s what we know about hiring the right candidate, and how it can help you staff your team up the right way.
Don’t Get Bogged Down In Process
It’s a hot job market for skilled candidates. In order to get new talent in the door, employers will often go through an internal hiring process, then follow several steps to hire externally. Remember that, while process can slow you down, when the right candidate comes along (whether internal or external), it’s important to do what is necessary to land them quickly, or you risk letting them slip away to a competitor. Make sure your HR staff and hiring policies are committed to creating a streamlined hiring process. Such a process allows for the right talent to be brought in at the right time, and is agile enough to bring in new hires quickly if there is a need. Look for any bottlenecks or time wasters that will slow down a new hires onboarding process (such as delays in getting computer or equipment access, improper paperwork, background checks, etc.) and do what you can to smooth the transition.
Build Your Network and Your Pipeline
Having a deep pool of experienced talent which you can draw from will make hiring immediately easier and faster. One of the most time-consuming aspects of the hiring process is simply finding the qualified individuals who are available to do the work. One great way to build a more reliable talent pipeline is to stay in touch with past talent. Did you interview someone you really liked but the timing just wasn’t right? Hold on to their resume. Have you worked with a temporary staffer or intern who learned a lot during their time with you but wasn’t ready to come on full time when they left? They are an excellent resource. Staying in touch with past employees is also a great way to find new employees because they can provide referrals that will help you pinpoint the best candidates in the field today.
Perfect Your Pitch and Your Job Description
Build out a detailed packet with the candidate profile, a brief description of the company, an elevator pitch about yourself, and a team roster. Top candidates likely have multiple opportunities, so your pitch packet must effectively sell your company to the candidate. Equally important is the job description itself. You need to know the profile of your ideal candidate in order to find the right talent for the job. Think about what technical skills the job requires and what soft skills the team could benefit from.
Work With a Staffing Agency
Lastly, you should know that working with a staffing agency is the single easiest and fastest way to find the talent you need. Their industry knowledge and deep talent pool are great resources to help you find and recruit the right person for the job.
For more advice from the recruiting experts, contact the team at Verum Technical today.