Interested in temp work? It might not be your first choice for a new job, but temporary contracts are growing in popularity, for both employers and employees. Here’s why you just might want to try on a new role to make sure it’s a good fit for you before investing in a company.
Employers are reducing their full-time hiring, but they are certainly not reducing their need for skilled talent. Quite the opposite in fact. Therefore, the need for temporary talent is only increasing. Last year, only 26 percent of employers planned to hire full-time talent, and this year we’re down to only 24 percent. That means there are far less full-time gigs available. Compare that to 42 percent of employers who are considering temporary talent. The availability of temporary work is clearly greater than full-time opportunities. That number is already up 8 percent from 2013, and it’s expected to continue to rise as more employers tighten their belts and realize the benefits of temporary support.
A Trial Period
Just as employers find a compelling benefit of hiring temporary staff in the “try before you buy” rational, contractors reap the same benefits. They have the opportunity to feel out their new boss, their new co-workers, the new work environment and culture before committing themselves long term.
Almost half of employers hire temporary workers with the goal of bringing them on full time. That is an excellent opportunity for contractors to learn more about whether they want to become full-time employees within a role or with a company before taking the leap. Using temporary employment as a trial period is a good way to make sure the job is the right fit for your career goals and personal preferences. Plus, that foot in the door is often just what you need to prove your worth to an employer.
Skill Building
The skills gap is cited as one of the biggest barriers to hiring for employers. But if they know you already have the skills they’re looking for to bring you on board full time, you are several steps ahead of the competition. Think you have some room to grow your skills? Temporary work is the perfect opportunity to learn something new and put your skills to the test. In fact, while many employers say they struggle to find the perfect candidates, hiring temporary employees provides them with the opportunity to nurture the skills they need in the right talent.
Just as temping is a great chance to build skills or get your foot in the door, it’s also a powerful strategy in helping to build a more robust professional network. If you are new to a field or fresh out of school, your professional network needs all the support it can get. By meeting new professionals and making meaningful connections with co-workers on your temporary assignments, you are naturally growing your network. Those connections may be exactly what you need to find the long-term opportunities of your future career.
For more personalized consulting regarding whether temporary work is right for you, contact the team at Verum Technical today.